Thursday, May 14, 2009

Post the Twelfth - My Skyscraper Paradise

It's almost over. I can't believe it's almost over.


8 - Judgment Day (Gen. Phys II final)
9 - End of HK Days
(20 - Arrive in California)
(26 - Begin Google Days)

The other finals had an exponential decay rate of how well they went. CS wasn't too bad, Stats was pretty bad, and Quantum was just an utter disaster. Think Hiroshima and that'd be about as accurately as I could describe that one. The Stats final really made me angry on account that if I didn't have memorize everything, I'd have done really well. Grrr.

I saw the skyline at night again from Tsim Sha Tsui, and even though it was the second time I'd seen it, it still took my breath away. I can't imagine never seeing this place again, and to think that in about a week that I'll be gone...

My roommates are both gone; the medical student, Olivia, left a long time ago as her exams finished much earlier than the regular uni's exam dates. Vicky went home on vacation, so she'll be back to take her last exam on 19 May. I think of everyone here, she might be the one I miss most. She's promised that one day, she'll come to the US and she'll find me... and that when she gets a fiance, I get to make sure he's up to scratch, haha. For all she's older than me, I felt like an older sister around her (she called me "Mom" though ><). A lot of girls on the floor are already off travelling, while some are staying around to travel through China and the like after exams. Me, I'm okay with not travelling right now; the visa cost was not worth it... and I could use a break between adventures.

I'm not ready. Academically, I'm way past the point of being done, but in terms of everything else, not so much. I've met some great people that I probably will never see again, and it's disappointing. I've had a lot of fun, from taking tours to trekking around Macau to fun shopping trips and more.

I have to say that this experience has been amazing though, despite the HKU disasters. I'm not ready for it to be over, even though I cannot wait to start at Google. The city is magnificent, the lifestyle is fast paced, and the independence is intoxicating. I'm free. Free to be who I want to be, to do the things I like, to live as I choose. Sure, I miss my parents, but living on my own has been fantastic, and it's hard to give it up.

But for now, I'll enjoy the last few days I have here in this beautiful city (even though they'll be dedicated to stupid E&M ]<). So, for one of the last times, from Hong Kong, I wish you a good morning... and for those of you on vacation, boo on you.

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